Monday 27 May 2019

Vaastu : Ancient science of Harmony and Prosperity!!

Vaastu : Ancient science of Harmony and Prosperity!!

Every living space has a particular type of energy depending upon the arrangement of 5
elements in specified directions and state of balance of these 5 elements. These 5 elements
are Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Space forms the basis of all cosmic creations. Inhabitants are
deeply influenced by the energy present around in the giving space.
We all aspire for a good life, sound health, mental peace, stable career, professional growth
and financial security. But if you feel you are facing constant health issues, setbacks in your
professional life, instability in life, lacks of mental peace, than you must get the Vaastu
analysis of your house done.
Dear Readers, We do have the choice to make our life better and happy with few
simple and practical changes in our living space
Let us begin with a basic understanding of this ancient science. I would be using
simple easy to understand terminology to make the content easy to grasp and
A very common question that pops up every now and then:
  1. What exactly Vaastu Shastra is?
  2. Is there any logic / science behind Vaastu Shastra?
    These points are well backed up by IIT- Kharagpur, the country’s #39 oldest and
    largest IIT where Vaastu Shastra is a part of curriculum for under-graduate and
    post graduate Architecture students. This step is a clear cut indication and an eye
    opener for non-believers that this ancient wisdom of Vaastu has a firm scientific
    base. Hence it is absolutely wise to believe that Vaastu Shastra principles works in
    present modern times as well to achieve a healthy relationship of nature and
  3. Is Vaastu Shastra really Important for living?
  4. How do we get to know if we are living in a Vaastu defective building?
    Many of my close friends and readers have posted these or similar queries which I am trying
    to answer now. Well, I would say Vaastu Shastra may not be essential for living but it is
    really important for a better, healthier and happy living. The core purpose of this science is
    harmony with the nature. According to Hindu scriptures, the entire universe is composed of
    5 elements – Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Space. Even our Body is composed of these 5
    elements only. The proper use and placement of these 5 elements in a living space is must
    for happy living. Vaastu Shastra guidelines help to achieve the healthy balance of these 5
    elements. As, any imbalances between the 5 chief elements of nature for sure leads to
    obstruction in healthy, happy and peaceful living. So, it is advisable to follow the basic
guidelines of Vaastu Shastra while buying or renovating a living space. Balancing and
remedifying the faults can be incorporated at any stage to get positive results.
Vaastu Shastra guidelines are broadly based on 5 elements of nature, 8 cardinal directions
and Earth’s magnetic field. We need to understand a simple fact that each and every object
in this universe has a level of energy associated with it. Even the land and buildings
constructed on it has Vibrations – positive and negative both. If any building is not
constructed in a natural rhythm it is bound to effect the thought pattern and actions of the
inhabitants in a negative manner-leading to issues such as instability in life, stagnancy in
career graph, loss of mental peace, sour relationships, constant health issues, lack of
support from family and friends. In short, life may seem to be off-track.
Another interesting yet very practical concern people have now a days is –
How to get living space Vaastu compliant in today’s scenario on practical
My Dear Readers, As per this ancient science, colours and patterns used in any
living space has profound impact on the Vaastu of that space. Colours and
patterns give results based on directions and the placement of activities there in.
So, keeping in mind the modern designing and aesthetics, colours and patterns
can very well be used in balancing the energies of the zones.
Yes, We do have the choice to make our life better & happy with few simple and
practical changes in our living space.
Make Your Life Blissful!!!

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