Saturday 13 July 2019



Hi Readers, hope you are all doing well. 
In the previous blog I shared details on PY 1, 2, 3. Today I am sharing remaining PY’s.
Please share you Feedback.
PY 4 is the year of hard work, organized efforts, patience and sudden changes. PY 4 is most suitable for building a strong base for future tasks. PY 4 generally brings delays and hurdles. So, it is recommended to organize tasks and jobs to be done. PY 4 is most suitable for:
• Love, marriage relationships and friendships
• Adopting a spiritual mindset
• Trading and supplying
• Shifting the house
• Investing in real estate/ construction/ renovation etc ,,, though avoid investing in stock market
• Self care and resting time
• Savings and wise management of funds
PY 5 is the year of transformation, freedom, expansion, communication and new interests. PY 5 is a creative and fun filled year throwing many new opportunities. One can expect the unexpected in this personal year. So, keep a close eye on anything new. PY 5 is most suitable to:
• Develop new skills
• Expand social circle
• Advertise products on social media
• Invest and earn profits in stock market
• Travel to new adventurous places and gain new insights
PY 6 is a year of harmony,love
,family,nurturing and domestic responsibilities. It is the perfect and most suitable year to add luxuries to life in the form of new homes , vehicles etc. PY 6 is a good year to consider love relationships and to tie the knots. PY 6 is most suitable for:
• Weddings and child birth
• Buying , building or renovating a house
• Maintaining harmony and peace in the family
• Taking interest in cooking and gardening
• Profitable deals in business
• Investing and gaining good returns in real estate
PY 7 is a year of deep analysis, research, spirituality, transformations. PY 7 is not suitable for new plans or partnerships but to perfect and put on the finishing touches on the existing plans. PY 7 is not at all favourable for conceiving a child. It is recommended to avoid financial risk during this year. PY 7 is most suitable to :
• Go for higher education or take up a course or research topics that interest you
• Rest -Relax- Concentrate and Meditate
• Spend some part of time alone to move inwards
• Listen to your intuitive voice
• Develop new ideas or perhaps a new philosophy of life .
PY 8 is a Power year , a year of expansions , growth , profits and rewards. PY -8 is the time to reap the harvest sown in PY 1. It is the best time to get associated with prominent people. PY 8 is most suitable for:
• Business expansion plans
• Signing big contracts
• Investing and gaining good profits out of real estate
• Spending good time with near and dear ones
PY 9 is a year of completion and new beginnings. This personal year marks the end of 9 year cycle. It is the transition time to re -group , complete the pending tasks and prepare to move on. PY 9 is a year of winding up old cycles and allow things to melt away from you that are no longer serving any purpose. PY 9 is most suitable to:
• Wrap up all pending tasks
• Make way for a new journey with clear vision
• Consider spiritual transformations
• Indulge in charitable deeds
• Clear up emotional burdens too and promote universal love
Hope you find the analysis shared in this write up useful and easy to implement practically and derive the benefits in routine life.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Personal Year Numerology ( 1, 2, 3)

Personal Year Numerology ( 1, 2, 3)

Hi Readers, hope you are all doing well.
I hope you have understood how to calculate the personal year number, if you have missed reading the previous blog, kindly read here Personal Year Calculations (Click Here).
Today, I am going to share how best to use this information practically to take quick decisions in various area of life.
PY 1 is the year of new beginnings and fresh opportunities.PY 1 is the most suitable year to plant new seeds to reap the harvest in the following 9 year cycle.This year is most suitable to :
• consider fresh career opportunities
• consider new job positions
• set new business goals
• Shift residence
• consider additional sources of income
• mend relationships with loved ones
PY 2 is the year of relationships and steady growth. It is recommended to maintain peace , harmony and patience during this time. PY -2 demands wise decision making. It is not suitable to switch jobs or shifting.
This year is most suitable to :
• consider partnerships of all kinds
• buying new property ( not shifting )
• achieve work - leisure balance
• consider new love relationships, infact suitable time to tie the knot
• make harmonious relationships
PY 3 is the year of expansions , celebrations and new learnings. PY 3 promises incredible success and good profits along with name and fame . This year is most suitable for :
• child birth
• Business trips and promotions
• shifting residency
• learning new skills or talents
• creating enjoyable & entertaining moments with personal as well as professional circle .
Hope you find the above information about personalised years quite useful while considering various decision makings in life. For any query feel free to ask in the comments section.
For more detailed customised readings, connect with me …..

(Ph) +91 9643400555 (E-Mail)

Friday 31 May 2019

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day



Lungs play a fundamental role for the health and well being of all 

Let’s become more aware of the dangers of tobacco smoking to not even smokers but non smokers as well

Let’s protect ourselves and our next generation with cleaner & healthier air to breathe in 

            QUIT SMOKING 

                  ? WHY ?

            WE ALL KNOW 

                  ? HOW ?


☀Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing 

☀SUBCONSCIOUS MIND rule our life 

☀All our beliefs are stored in Subconscious mind

☀ It is scientifically possible to break any old habit - belief - experience AND BRAIN WASH AND REPROGRAM AND TRAIN our Subconscious Mind to achieve what we want . 

☀It is scientifically proven, researched well and have been applied in hypnosis techniques since ages 

☀It May take anywhere between 21-43 days to brain wash any addictions IF DONE USING A SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUE AND TOOLS .




“ How to Reprogram Subconscious Mind “ to 


Thursday 30 May 2019

Numerology and Marriages By Ranjna Oohri

Numerology and Marriages

Marriages are made in heaven!This has been said and read by all of us but very few people understand what it means. For all of us it means we are destined to be paired, what if we are destined to pair with less compatibility then one has to suffer throughout one’s life. If we see around we will find 7 in 10 couples facing compatibility issues and everyone blaming fate or destiny. We should look for solutions to make it better and Numerology has precise solutions for the same.
Even if both kundalis are matched still after marriage the things are not working in the way you want it to work. This means some correction has to be made.
Marriage compatibility means smooth and harmonious relationship shared by a couple. When it comes to relationships, Numbers play a major influencing role as each individual hold one strong number throughout life which dictates his/her thought process and behavioural pattern.
Compatibility between these 2 strong numbers holded by each spouse ,Common Missing Numbers along with Name Number influence the kind of relationship shared by a couple .
Missing Number Remedies based on life pattern grid and Name corrections between partners can actually improve compatibility force between the two.
So now you yourself can make your future of married life better and live your life to the fullest. Connect with me for free 15 mins session
For your personal reading shoot me an email on – or call me on +91-9643400555.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Change Your Energy To Change Your Life!

Change Your Energy To Change Your Life!

Change Your Energy To Change Your Life! – Allow the energy to move around You.You hold the key……..
My Dear Readers, hope you all are doing good. This time I have come up with my favourite topic: Energy. Everything is an energy. I am energy. You are energy. Infact we all are vibrational Beings. And we are powerful beyond our Imagination.
Let us listen to our intuition and create a peaceful, calm and rhythmic living space for ourselves. In this post, I would be sharing few simple and feasible changes at home as I firmly believe – Positivity Begins at Home!
Try these simple changes at Home and feel the CHANGE
  1. Declutter your living space to let positive flow of energies circulate fully around you.
  2. Purify your living space and soul with the vibrations of mantra chanting’s such as Gayatri Mantra, Gurbaani daily.
  3. Use fresh flowers around in your living space as energy boosters.
  4. Use incense sticks, camphor, sage etc. daily to purify your living space of old dull energies.
  5. Place sacred symbols such as Swastika, Omat the main entrance door to attract positive energies.
  6. Keep Tulsi plants in cream pots (preferably in pair Rama & Shyama) to balance the Earth energies or anynegative energies that flows in that house.
  7. Consciously keep your outer space and inner self positive to restore harmony.
  8. Dispose off all broken / unused / non-working items acting as dead storage.
  9. Detangle all loose / hanging wires. Organize roll and keep them arranged and packed.
According to Vaastu Shastra, the main entrance / door of a building is the transition point through which cosmic energies flows in and out. Few simple tips and arrangement to keep the main door appealing and positive are-:
  1. Never place dustbin near the main entrance as it obstructs the flow of positive energy.
  2. Keep the main entrance/door of house clear, neat, well-lit, clutter free and noise free.
  3. Beautify the main entrance of house to keep it energised.
  4. Place a Name Plateatthe main entrance to get wonderful results
    1. House Name Numerology work wonders
  5. Place sacred symbols such as Swastika, Om, Onkar at the main entrance to attract positive energies
We all have been grown up hearing from our elders that Health is Wealth. Undoubtedly, Healthy Body is the key to happiness. So, it is wise to preserve our Health now instead of curing diseases later. Here, I am sharing few simple tips to create a healthy living space and Maintain overall health.
1. Always sleep with your head placed towards South as the best opinion and West as the next option. For Kids, Sleeping with head towards East is also a good option. Never sleep with you head towards North direction.
2. Allow adequate natural light and cross ventilation to maintain healthy flow of energies inside the living space.
3. Brahmsthan, the centre portion of the house, should be kept absolutely neat and clear of heavy furniture toallow free flow of energies in the house.
4. Place Lord Hanumanji Picture or idol in South of South-East zone to gain physical Strength.
5. Place Lord DhanvantriPicture in between North and North-East Section of your house to boost immune system& enjoy sound health.
6. Place Medicine & Health records in between North & North-East section of your house to get quick relief fromall ailments to facilitate healing.
7. Unwell Person get quick relief by sleeping in between North & North-East section of house for some time.
            ** Prolonged use of this zone weakens the immune system.
** Create a Peaceful, Calm and Rhythmic living space for yourself to promote
  1. Healthy Body
  2. Happy Mind &Enlightened soul
Now coming to the most auspicious space of our house Poojasthaan. It is a place to get divine guidance ………to gain wisdom…….. to get new insights…….. to receive positive vibes.
According to the Ancient science of building architecture, the best direction to make Poojasthaan in homes is North East followed by West.
Dear Readers, I am sharing few easy to implement tips for Poojasthaan at home to make it the most auspicious, positive and divine place to be.
  1. Poojasthan in North East (N-E)
  2. Devta resides in North East direction. Prayers in North East facilitates the divine connection with the higher self and make way to new insights.
    3. Shiv-Parivaar is the lord of North-East direction. Place & worship Lord Shiva in this zone to gain wisdom.
    4. Experience Enlightenment, Wisdom and Clarity of thought with MaaSaraswati Pic in North East
    5. Avoid keeping multiple idols in Poojasthan in North East
    6. Use Brass diya in North East pooja</li>
    7. Use light yellow, white or lighter tones of blue in North East pooja.
** Strictly no fire colour in North East
** Never place Ancestor’s pic in North East
  1. Poojasthan IN WEST
  2. Place poojasthan in West to manifest your prayers into reality.
  3. Place Shree Vishnu-Laxmi pic in West for prosperity & wealth.
  4. Lord Tirupati photo in West gives Abundance of wealth & gains.
  5. All pooja related things and prayer books can be stored in West Zone
**Avoid using North East Poojasthan to store Religious books and other things.
I suggest you must try these simple tips at home and feel the difference.

Tuesday 28 May 2019



Job satisfaction? Sometimes it seems so elusive, doesn’t it? When things aren’t flowing smoothly they can get confusing! Do you continue, or find a new job and sit back and hope it gets better?
Fortunately, numerology has the answers to many of these questions. The best and fastest way to get a quick review of what’s upcoming in your career is to calculate your Personal Year Number. There are total 9 Personal Year Numbers forming a complete cycle. This is easy let me explain you with example below.
For E.g. If you were born on November 10th :
Step 1: Add 1 + 0 to get “1”
Step 2: Then add the digits for the month you were born add November is the 11th month of the year, 1 + 1 = “2”
Lastly, you consider the year of Prediction and add it together to get a single digit.
Step 3 : For Current Year 2019
2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3).
Then add all that together
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
The calculation reveals you’re in a personal year 6.
Now calculate your Personal Year Number and when you know that, what do you do with that information? How does it help you?
I shall share overall significance of Personal Year Number in my next post soon. Personal Year Readings can be precisely used to plan major career landmarks as well routine decisions in professional life .
If in-case you want to have personal reading shoot me an email on – or call me on : +91-9643400555.

Monday 27 May 2019

Vaastu : Ancient science of Harmony and Prosperity!!

Vaastu : Ancient science of Harmony and Prosperity!!

Every living space has a particular type of energy depending upon the arrangement of 5
elements in specified directions and state of balance of these 5 elements. These 5 elements
are Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Space forms the basis of all cosmic creations. Inhabitants are
deeply influenced by the energy present around in the giving space.
We all aspire for a good life, sound health, mental peace, stable career, professional growth
and financial security. But if you feel you are facing constant health issues, setbacks in your
professional life, instability in life, lacks of mental peace, than you must get the Vaastu
analysis of your house done.
Dear Readers, We do have the choice to make our life better and happy with few
simple and practical changes in our living space
Let us begin with a basic understanding of this ancient science. I would be using
simple easy to understand terminology to make the content easy to grasp and
A very common question that pops up every now and then:
  1. What exactly Vaastu Shastra is?
  2. Is there any logic / science behind Vaastu Shastra?
    These points are well backed up by IIT- Kharagpur, the country’s #39 oldest and
    largest IIT where Vaastu Shastra is a part of curriculum for under-graduate and
    post graduate Architecture students. This step is a clear cut indication and an eye
    opener for non-believers that this ancient wisdom of Vaastu has a firm scientific
    base. Hence it is absolutely wise to believe that Vaastu Shastra principles works in
    present modern times as well to achieve a healthy relationship of nature and
  3. Is Vaastu Shastra really Important for living?
  4. How do we get to know if we are living in a Vaastu defective building?
    Many of my close friends and readers have posted these or similar queries which I am trying
    to answer now. Well, I would say Vaastu Shastra may not be essential for living but it is
    really important for a better, healthier and happy living. The core purpose of this science is
    harmony with the nature. According to Hindu scriptures, the entire universe is composed of
    5 elements – Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Space. Even our Body is composed of these 5
    elements only. The proper use and placement of these 5 elements in a living space is must
    for happy living. Vaastu Shastra guidelines help to achieve the healthy balance of these 5
    elements. As, any imbalances between the 5 chief elements of nature for sure leads to
    obstruction in healthy, happy and peaceful living. So, it is advisable to follow the basic
guidelines of Vaastu Shastra while buying or renovating a living space. Balancing and
remedifying the faults can be incorporated at any stage to get positive results.
Vaastu Shastra guidelines are broadly based on 5 elements of nature, 8 cardinal directions
and Earth’s magnetic field. We need to understand a simple fact that each and every object
in this universe has a level of energy associated with it. Even the land and buildings
constructed on it has Vibrations – positive and negative both. If any building is not
constructed in a natural rhythm it is bound to effect the thought pattern and actions of the
inhabitants in a negative manner-leading to issues such as instability in life, stagnancy in
career graph, loss of mental peace, sour relationships, constant health issues, lack of
support from family and friends. In short, life may seem to be off-track.
Another interesting yet very practical concern people have now a days is –
How to get living space Vaastu compliant in today’s scenario on practical
My Dear Readers, As per this ancient science, colours and patterns used in any
living space has profound impact on the Vaastu of that space. Colours and
patterns give results based on directions and the placement of activities there in.
So, keeping in mind the modern designing and aesthetics, colours and patterns
can very well be used in balancing the energies of the zones.
Yes, We do have the choice to make our life better & happy with few simple and
practical changes in our living space.
Make Your Life Blissful!!!